
PokeSpotlight: Gliscor

Hi guys, my tests are done and finally another PokeSpotlight, this time its my favorite sky battle-able pokemon, Gliscor. I might put movesets if I use this often in pokemon showdown (Registered as toad12284 in Pokemon Showdown) I also need to inform that if I don't have any guesses, I'll skip that part

My thoughts:
- Mutated Winged Scorpion
- Has the strongest grip among Johto Pokemon (This pokemon is introduces in Gen VI but Gligar is from Gen II so I accept it as a Johto pokemon #Gliscor)
- Might be on top of the food chain
- Extremely poisonous
- Dracula's Minion >=D

My Moveset:
Item: Toxic Orb Ability: Poison Heal
- Toxic
- Roost
- Cross Poison
- Poison Jab

Design: 9/10 It's a good design except it looks too much like a vampire
Liking: 10/10 He's not a bad partner pokemon (Don't tell my Yveltal about this!)
Awesomeness: 8/10 Not so bad of a scorpion
Typing: 9/10 Pretty good
Total: 102/100 or Super Amazing Totally But I Hadn't Reach Max Yet (S.A.T.B.I.H.R.M.Y)


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Hi guys,toad1 and his Yveltal here,please don't swear or be rude or my Yveltal will use Oblivion Wing on you