
Sorry for the Hiatus!/Anime Spotlight: Jinsei

Heya guys, sorry for the hiatus, I'm having a lot of exams and homework. Anyway here is my review on Jinsei!

Unless you cannot handle fanservice or you have gynaphobia, you are better off not watching this anime. This anime is about A newspaper club from Kyuumon Gakuen that helps people by giving life advice. The Opening theme is pretty fun, the ending may sound not really energetic. Now time for the characters!

Yuuki Akamatsu(Male) Akamatsu, Yuuki : He is the person who reads out the problems and is one of the very few male characters.

Rino Endou(Female) Endou, Rino : The girl who answers in the most logical, scientifically proven answers. She has feelings for Yuuki

Kujou Fumi(Female) Kujou, Fumi : The girl who answers using some proverbs that she knows of, she is a descendant of a samurai clan

Suzuki Ikumi(Female)  : I cant find a proper picture of her so yeaaaaa, anyway. she answers in the most illogical way possible, and that is why she is my favorite character.

Overall I give this anime 8.5/10! Watch it!


How I got my username.

It was early 2011 and I needed a username to join a small cardfight community, around that time I was playing Super Mario Bros on the DS (Da remake!) I noticed this character that looks really adorable. I did research and found the name toad. This word has two meaning, the first I just explained and the second is what used to be my best buddy's favorite animal. After I registered, it turned out that someone has registered using the name toad so I just added the number 1.


Why I stopped Animal Jam

It was late January 2014, I finally start playing Buddyfight and I go to my card shop more often, also these days, Animal Jam had a sh*t ton of scammers, hackers and etc. This is what bothers me, Animal Jam is targeted to kids trying to learn about nature, not a popularity zone.

 I loved this game as a 9 year old, but I understand that people like, wait sorry, not wait but LOVE to put viruses, spam, porn websites and etc. Into an innocent unsuspecting kid's Laptop/PC (Obvious sarcasm is obvious) , even though he only played this for educational purposes.

 This is why I stopped, another thing is that animal jam is turning into club penguin, want a new den? MEMBERS ONLY, want a cool furniture? MEMBERS ONLY, only $60 per year! Join Us! Other than that, Animal Jam is now a game of "If you don't have a rare/beta item, you suck!" I had truckload of rares at my account, which I can't use since it's now a non-member account.

No, I'm not giving my account away but I'm here to thank Snowyclaw for giving me the inspiration to start blogging. Thanks for reading.


Hiatus & plans

Heya guys, Toad1 here, sorry for the hiatus. School and my friends came in -.-" I'll still post this and I've been thinking about making a post about why I stopped Animal Jam. Anyway, this is a short post, I hope you could be patient for more dumb topics that I talk about. Anyway, guhd bye!

I'm still addicted to GDC (*-* )


Arcade Review: Animal Kaiser (AK EVO & GAK)

Animal Kaiser is one of my favorite games as a 7 year old, it was about animals fighting each other to death! (PETA, don't sue me) In the Animal Kaiser games, you need a red animal card, a green strong card and a blue miracle card each with different rarities. Kaiser Rare, Ultra Rare, Gold Rare, Silver Rare, Bronze Rare and Normal Rare

Animal Card: This determines the animal you use

Strong Card: Power up card

Miracle Card: Ultimate Attack

This, I need to give 7/10 because the theme keeps getting more weird every version, starting from normal, to knights, to robot animals, to ninja animals and finally extraterrestrial animals -.-"

Great Animal Kaiser is taking animal kaisers formula but this time *drum roll* you use 2 animals.....

The themes are worse!
Version 1 = Normal Animal
Version 2 = Demon Animals
Version 3 = Samurai Animals
Version 4 = Super Powered Animals
Greater GAK1 = Mecha Suit Animals
Greater GAK2 = Blue Whales, Sperm Whales, Humpback Whales, a puffer fish and a Piranha
Greater GAK3 = Evil Animals
Greater GAK4 = Wrestler Animals
Greater GAK5 = Ninja Animals again.... -.-"
Big GAK1 = Prisoner Animals
Big GAK2 = Space Pirate Dinosaurs vs. Cyborg Lion & Random Bulldog
Big GAK3 = Robotic Space Pirate Dinosaurs vs. Rocket Cyborg Lion

Final Score for GAK? -9999/10


Game Review: Love Live! School Idol Festval (Android/iOS)

 The cards are really neat, the soundtrack is excellent and the card arts are just pure nosebleed \(*-* )
Everything about this game is a little too girly for me but the art is just so
http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140717132028/love-live/images/2/25/SR_136_Transformed_Hanayo_Event.jpg http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140717132027/love-live/images/5/56/SR_133_Transformed_Hanayo_August_Ver..jpg  http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140717102713/love-live/images/f/fc/SR_93_Transformed_Rin_Animal_Ver..jpghttp://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140717102717/love-live/images/3/3d/SR_100_Transformed_Nico_Job_Ver..png 
http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140717101432/love-live/images/5/59/SR_81_Transformed_Umi_Event.jpg http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140717102716/love-live/images/7/73/SR_107_Honoka_Event.png
Even the skill names are pure fanservice, here's one 

 Breast Rub
Every 15 seconds, there is a 39% chance of turning all goods and greats in the next 4 seconds into perfects. (Level 1) 

I don't need to rate this.... 10/10. Ten points to muse!


Gundam Duel Company Review

Hiya, guys. Toad1 here, today I will be talking about Gundam Duel Company. obviously a gundam online game

GN-DC01 MS 001 ユニコーンガンダム(デストロイモード) UNICORN GUNDAM DESTROY MODEGN-DC01 MS 001 ユニコーンガンダム(デストロイモード) UNICORN GUNDAM DESTROY MODE 
Being one of my favorite online games, especially the mechas. This game got me hooked for weeks and weeks, what I love about this game is that you can get the cards in real life too! The art style is awesome, the battles are awesome and so on so forth. 

One thing that I love about this game is the strategy put into this, it's not a pay to win (although at times it is) but it's more based on skill and strategy, something that is lack on games these days.... Here comes the ratings

My rating system is set from best to worst in this order: Yesh++, Yes+, Yes, Mediocre, No, Oh No and Why does this exist?!

Genre: Mecha-Strategy sounds pretty weird at first but it actually works fine. Yes
Battle System: Not bad honestly, but still pretty small area. Mediocre
Amount of Characters: boasting 103 in it's first wave, it's nice! Yesh++

Final score: Destroy Mode/10!


Yeasssss! Thank you bushiroad! \(>-<)/

What's better than normal cardfight units? Reverse units, Crossrides, Crossbreak rides? Oh no! It's when your old units who are already badass looking and just turn it into evil and even more badass units! Yeaaaaaaa!

 MBT01-021-R (Sample) Star-vader, Blaster Joker (Preview Art) MBT01-024-R (Sample) 
Thanks bushiroad for these badass looking units!


My favorite item cards in buddyfight (August 2014)

With the current buddyfight items being mostly melee weapons except the bows and gunrods, Imma give ya'll 5 of my favorite items

5. Shield of Ice Diety, Svalin
Svalin the Ice Diety gives us a shield with one crit but 0 attack, the good thing is that 4000 or below power monster cannot attack, nice weapon art tho

4. Conquering Blade, Dungeon Dominaton
Cheap Blade! Yeaaah

3. Thunder Blade, Dragobreaker
Nice art and that wold be a good weapon for an RPG Game!

2. Gunrod, Stradivarius
Such an elegant weapon to be used by such a good player

1. Immortal Blade, Durendal
Buddy as a weapon, deck case, cannot be destroyed and can talk!

Top 100 Brave Frontier units! Part 4

Finale of my favorite 100 units list woo hoo!

No. 25 Golem
Best meat-shield evaaaah!

No. 24 Gold Queen Rina
Me likey da sword.

No.23 Cayena-Chan
I can't see why see can carry something THAT BIG!

No.22 Apperentice Luther
Three blades, one person, Luther the Apperentice

No.21 Duel-GX II
Huzzah for Cyborg-scorpions!

No.20 Sky Queen Vanilla
How can she hold on that long on those jets (I think?)

No.19 Periodic Table Knight, Xenon

Yep, totally a periodic knight.

No.18 Princess Peach err..I mean Estia
Nice wings!

No. 17 Element & Princess
(I'm sorry if there is a watermark behind them)

No.16 Gun Goddess Serin

Rubber duckies is such an elegant feature

No.15 Inferno Arts Dia

De dragon tho...

No.14 Loch
Triple thunder laser power!!!!

No.13 Dark Warlord Zephyr
I really freaking want his spear *cough* Top 10 Favorite BF Weapons *cough*

No.12 Noble Fist Dilma

Explosion behind a person's back is badass, only if he had sunglasses

No.11 Selha 6*

She's so kawaii for a fallen goddess

No.10 The Terminator

Sorry for the movie reference (*-* )/ anyway, her sbb is amazing, around 1699 every hit in my team

No.9 Greedy God

I am very very very very very very verry rich in japan thanks to this guy!

No.8 Pegasus

Now I can ride a magical pony, wheeeeeee! (I'm just insane)

No.7 Kouru-Ouru

Beautiful building, tho, how can it move?

 No.6 Ronel
Thunder angel, love it, like it, better than the trash angel mob!

No.5 Sefia 6*

Mega sized stabbing machine of death and paralyzing

No.4 Mila

No.3 Goltovah


No.2 Maxwell-chan

Everything that she sees. DIES!

No.1 Uda

Reasons why he's my fave unit:
-SBB = 15 Hit + BC Drop rate up
- 2 of my friends has this
- Beautiful Pose!