
PokeSpotlight: Furfrou

Hiya gamers,bloggers,PKMN Trainers everywhere and welcome to PokeSpotlight, today's spotlight would be the one and only the Stylish Dog Pokemon, Furfrou!

Right when i saw this Pokemon its gives me the chill because of my fear of dogs, but after that i start to appreciate Furfrou because, it may not look cool but it can be styled,just like poodles which actually the real species name The Poodle Pokemon,however the way that it stands kinda look weird like its a dog with too many fur,like seriously i mean look at all the fur its waaay too much to be a dog,so if ya wanna dog who's not that crazy go with Lilipup instead,but not Hairdrier or Herdrer or Herdier,gah whatever his name is,the dog Pokemons are cool,except that my fear of dogs makes me wanna run away everytime this appears in the wild

Pokemon design: 5.5/10
Creep factor: 10/10*

So comment your toughts about Furfrou and also give me suggestion what to do next

*I have a cyanophobia or as they say extreme fear of dogs so you understand how i feel here

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Hi guys,toad1 and his Yveltal here,please don't swear or be rude or my Yveltal will use Oblivion Wing on you