
Location Spotlight: Castelia City

Hello People of the world and this is the first location spotlight,Castelia City a.k.a Pokemon version of New York City

Castelia City.png 

This is probably one of the biggest cities in the pokemon world,tall skyscrapers,docks,the Skyarrow Bridge in the background. For me,I love this city because the people are nice,they have good food,rather "cheap" transportation and it connects to amy 4th favorite city in Unova,Nimbasa City,Burgh is a nice guy too,he loves bugs,but he has the least creative name for a badge,just straight out Bug Badge -_-"

Well that's all I got today,see ya next time in the pokemon world!

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Hi guys,toad1 and his Yveltal here,please don't swear or be rude or my Yveltal will use Oblivion Wing on you