
12 things you may not know about me (I couldnt do 50)

Hi again guys,gals and pokemon trainers out there,I'd figure that some of you don't know much about me so 25 things you may not know about me

1.I am left handed
2.I turned 12 years old last tuesday
3.I live in Kelapa Gading,Jakarta,Indonesia
4.I'm a 7th grader
5.I'm only 140cm tall
6.Favorite food = Sashimi
7.Favorite Anime = Bleach
8.Favorite card game = Future card buddyfight
9.I am extremely afraid of dogs
10.I live near a shopping mall
11.I love cats
12.I am a guy (in case if you thought I'm a girl)

I'll do another post after this,happy Chinese New Year and cya guys later

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Hi guys,toad1 and his Yveltal here,please don't swear or be rude or my Yveltal will use Oblivion Wing on you