
Gundam Duel Company Review

Hiya, guys. Toad1 here, today I will be talking about Gundam Duel Company. obviously a gundam online game

GN-DC01 MS 001 ユニコーンガンダム(デストロイモード) UNICORN GUNDAM DESTROY MODEGN-DC01 MS 001 ユニコーンガンダム(デストロイモード) UNICORN GUNDAM DESTROY MODE 
Being one of my favorite online games, especially the mechas. This game got me hooked for weeks and weeks, what I love about this game is that you can get the cards in real life too! The art style is awesome, the battles are awesome and so on so forth. 

One thing that I love about this game is the strategy put into this, it's not a pay to win (although at times it is) but it's more based on skill and strategy, something that is lack on games these days.... Here comes the ratings

My rating system is set from best to worst in this order: Yesh++, Yes+, Yes, Mediocre, No, Oh No and Why does this exist?!

Genre: Mecha-Strategy sounds pretty weird at first but it actually works fine. Yes
Battle System: Not bad honestly, but still pretty small area. Mediocre
Amount of Characters: boasting 103 in it's first wave, it's nice! Yesh++

Final score: Destroy Mode/10!

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Hi guys,toad1 and his Yveltal here,please don't swear or be rude or my Yveltal will use Oblivion Wing on you