
Mah top 10 Favorite Pokemons

Well guys, here we go! I put titles for the pokemons this time because I want to.

No.10 The Helix Fossil Guy, Omastar
I like this guy because of twitch plays pokemon red, to be honest, I love its color scheme too.

No.9 The Delicious Cotton Candy Pokemon, Swirlix
Look at this guy, he looks incredibly cute, onto the next one!

No.8 The Storm Bringer of Unova, Thundurus (Therian)
I love this guy's design, it looks amazing, thank you game freak, thank you!

No.7 The Helper of Machinery, Klingklang
Most of you are gonna hate me but I just like things that spin, but in all seriousness though, It has spikes for one of the gears.

No.6 Rainbow Bird of Johto, Ho-oh
I just like this pokemon, I dunno why!?

No.5 Different Powered-up forms, Mega Charizard X & Y
I never liked Charizard that much but when these were introduced by Game Freak, I screamed and shouted like never before in my life, still tho I only like his megas not his original form.

No.4 Saviour of Unovian Pokemon, Cobalion

No.3 The Devil, Giratina
Thank you lord Arceus for creating such a cool looking pokemon!

No.2 Silent Punisher of Kalos, Greninja
I love ninjas and weapons, his name and his signature move name =D

No.1 Form Changing Sword, Aegislash
I JUST LOVE SWORDS!!!!! =D *Evil Laugh*


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Hi guys,toad1 and his Yveltal here,please don't swear or be rude or my Yveltal will use Oblivion Wing on you