
News: Wating for BFE-BT02 "Cyber Ninja Squad" & Glendios

Hello dudes everywhere,how's your day? Anyway today in an unrelated Anime or Video Games post, I'm talking about the new Buddyfight Booster set, CYBER NINJA SQUAD! Good Magic World support and also a crap ton of Katana World cards, I use Magic World but sooner or later, I'll build a Katana World deck
Anyways, I also play cardfight vanguard! I got a Glendios a few weeks back, I got it from a booster pack, well for my Glendios Deck here's the recipe and tactics

Grade 3
Star-Vader. "Omega" Glendios x1
Any Reverse Card x8
Setting Sun Star-Vader, Darmastadium x2
Star-Vader, Infinite Zero Dragon x2

Grade 2
Star-Vader, Mobius Breath Dragon x2
Unrivaled Star-Vader, Radon x2
Star-Vader, Cold Death Dragon x2
Negligible Hydra x1

Grade 1
Twin Hollow Blades, Binary Star x2
Imaginary Orthos x1
Taboo Star-Vader, Rubidium x2
Planet Collapse Star-Vader, Erbium x2
Star-Vader, Ruin Magician x2
Palladium x2

World Line Dragon or Dust Tail Unicorn

5 Critical
3 Draw
4 Stand
4 Heal

Monarch Alfred: Keep guarding your opponent's attacks and wait until your opponent runs out of cards.
Ezel Scissors: Do it Takuto style, don't attack your opponent's vanguard if they have 2 unflipped counterblast
Against The Rebirth: keep using Palladium to stop em'


Adiitional News for dis April!

Hello my good people, today I've got a little bit of "other news"

Matter No.1 If you checked my last post about the top 5 anime that you dudes shouldn't watch, it all came from my sick perverted friend (I have problems with my life -_-")

Matter No.2 I'll add some card game posts if I run out of ideas

Matter No.3 Less PokeSpotlights more Anime shiz

This is Toad1 from the Kalos Region! Peace out!


Update: April 2014 + 5 Animes you shouldn't watch no matter what unless you're "interested"

Yo bros and today I'm writing stuff for April and 5 animes you shouldn't watch


Posts for April:
- PokeSpotlight: Charizard
- PokeSpotlight: AAATTVVV
- PokeSpotlight: AAABBBJJS
- PokeSpotlight: Ditto
- My Top 10 Favorite Shinies

And also 5 animes that you shouldn't watch:
- kissxsis
- Kanokon
- Boku no Pico
- Seikon no Qwaser
- ANYTHING WITH FANSERVICE!!! (outside SAO,Fairy Tail,One Piece and etc.)


PokeSpotlight: Groudon!!!

I let thee out of your underground chamber, Terraformer of land, Groudon!


My Toughts:
-Looks like a t-rex =S
-Eats up anything
-Has better colors than Kyogre
-Sliced up head
-Thick skin

Design: 8/10 Too heavy
Liking: 10/10 Like it but in number 13
Awesomeness: 9/10 Not bad
Typing: 2/10 too plain
Moves: 8/10 Never used it but ever see it
Total: 68/100 Bad for a legendary ='(


Mah top 10 Favorite Pokemons

Well guys, here we go! I put titles for the pokemons this time because I want to.

No.10 The Helix Fossil Guy, Omastar
I like this guy because of twitch plays pokemon red, to be honest, I love its color scheme too.

No.9 The Delicious Cotton Candy Pokemon, Swirlix
Look at this guy, he looks incredibly cute, onto the next one!

No.8 The Storm Bringer of Unova, Thundurus (Therian)
I love this guy's design, it looks amazing, thank you game freak, thank you!

No.7 The Helper of Machinery, Klingklang
Most of you are gonna hate me but I just like things that spin, but in all seriousness though, It has spikes for one of the gears.

No.6 Rainbow Bird of Johto, Ho-oh
I just like this pokemon, I dunno why!?

No.5 Different Powered-up forms, Mega Charizard X & Y
I never liked Charizard that much but when these were introduced by Game Freak, I screamed and shouted like never before in my life, still tho I only like his megas not his original form.

No.4 Saviour of Unovian Pokemon, Cobalion

No.3 The Devil, Giratina
Thank you lord Arceus for creating such a cool looking pokemon!

No.2 Silent Punisher of Kalos, Greninja
I love ninjas and weapons, his name and his signature move name =D

No.1 Form Changing Sword, Aegislash
I JUST LOVE SWORDS!!!!! =D *Evil Laugh*



My Top 10 Most Hated Pokemon of all time!

No.10 Golbat
This thing is even more annoying than Zubat, it annoys me in mid-game, walk inside a cave BOOM! Golbat, next 12 steps this thing appears again, it pissed me off more than 30 times, It's mouth is also gigantic...

No.9 Tranquill

No.8 Charizard
Other than this pokemon is overrated I have a love-hate relationship with dis pokemon, It's epic looking but too popular, I love his Megas tho =)

No. 7 Wailmer
I love Wailord but not this, it just looks stupid, Game Freak you could've made a better whale pokemon...

No.6 Tepig
I dunno but I just hate this pokemon...

No.5 Meganium
I just hate this pokemon's design, I dunno why?!

No.4 Marshtomp
I like Mudkip and Swampert but this is too weird

No.3 Seel
Worst name choice EVAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! >=O

No.2 Kricketune
Screw this pokemon, its cry is like the devil!

No.1 Sawsbuck
I like its design but not its name so yea.....


PokeSpotlight: Eternal Flower Floette!

Hi guys, I'm back for another PokeSpotlight, this time It's AZ's Floette/ The Eternal Flower Floette!

My Toughts:
- Stronger than a normal Floette
- A mutated Flabebe that gained power after taking the Eternal Flower then evolved

My Guesses:
- Ruin of Light is a powerful move
- Event Exclusive

Design: 15/10 I LOVE THAT FLOWER!
Awesomeness: 20/10 Ruin of Light is awesome
Moves: 9/10 Better than a normal Floette
Total: 118/100 This pokemon is dangerous and cute

PokeSpotlight: Gliscor

Hi guys, my tests are done and finally another PokeSpotlight, this time its my favorite sky battle-able pokemon, Gliscor. I might put movesets if I use this often in pokemon showdown (Registered as toad12284 in Pokemon Showdown) I also need to inform that if I don't have any guesses, I'll skip that part

My thoughts:
- Mutated Winged Scorpion
- Has the strongest grip among Johto Pokemon (This pokemon is introduces in Gen VI but Gligar is from Gen II so I accept it as a Johto pokemon #Gliscor)
- Might be on top of the food chain
- Extremely poisonous
- Dracula's Minion >=D

My Moveset:
Item: Toxic Orb Ability: Poison Heal
- Toxic
- Roost
- Cross Poison
- Poison Jab

Design: 9/10 It's a good design except it looks too much like a vampire
Liking: 10/10 He's not a bad partner pokemon (Don't tell my Yveltal about this!)
Awesomeness: 8/10 Not so bad of a scorpion
Typing: 9/10 Pretty good
Total: 102/100 or Super Amazing Totally But I Hadn't Reach Max Yet (S.A.T.B.I.H.R.M.Y)