
12 things you may not know about me (I couldnt do 50)

Hi again guys,gals and pokemon trainers out there,I'd figure that some of you don't know much about me so 25 things you may not know about me

1.I am left handed
2.I turned 12 years old last tuesday
3.I live in Kelapa Gading,Jakarta,Indonesia
4.I'm a 7th grader
5.I'm only 140cm tall
6.Favorite food = Sashimi
7.Favorite Anime = Bleach
8.Favorite card game = Future card buddyfight
9.I am extremely afraid of dogs
10.I live near a shopping mall
11.I love cats
12.I am a guy (in case if you thought I'm a girl)

I'll do another post after this,happy Chinese New Year and cya guys later

PokeSpotlight: The Boundary Pokemon,Kyurem

Ah,Kyurem a frozen T-rex to my eyes,anyways on with this awesome PokeSpotlight on Mr.Frost T-rex!

My Thoughts:
-A boundary between yin and yang,cool
-A giant frozen T-rex,totally badass awesome!
-First ever official fusion pokemon,HELL YEA!

My Guesses:
-The leftover part of the original dragon
-Has both Reshiram's and Zekrom's DNA
-May freeze a whole region,not only one city

Design: 11/10 Too awesome so I gave an extra point
Liking: 9/10 One problem,too massive
Awesomeness: 11/10 Again,first ever official fusion pokemon
Typing: 2/10 4x weakness to dragon type
Moves: 8/10 3 of my favorite moves are there
Total: 81/100 or Kinda good


Wait? another post

Yup,I'm doing another post because of boredom,anyways I'd like to talk about shinies
Shiny Sandile.png 
My first ever legitimate shiny is a male Gible from Pokemon Y
it was my friends game so he gets all the glory,my reaction when that Gible appeared was "SHINY GIBLE! SHINY GIBLE! SHINY GIBLE! NO SHIZ SHINY GIBLE!" being a 1/8192 chance to get a shiny,it almost gave me a heart attack when I found it,My friend didn't want me to nickname it but I still call that Gible "Pink Dragon" because of Mega Garchomp's shiny being pink,to be honest I dont really accept shiny pokemon that much,being very hard to get and killing one gives you a 12 month trauma from playing pokemon.

Reasons why I don't really like shinies:
  1. Extremely annoying to get one
  2. Too sparkly
  3. Don't really like different color schemes except some
  4. Too many people get shiny Pokemon illegitimately
That's the reason behind me kinda hating on shiny pokemon,and besides,there are ridiculous trades out there asking for a level 1-10 Xerneas for a Shiny Clauncher which makes an impossible trade which pisses me off and makes me rage for 3 hours straight! >:o


PokeSpotlight: Volcanion!

Hi guys,time for another PokeSpotlight,I've been busy for the past few weeks with school so bear with me.
Anyways today's spotlight goes to a new secret legendary pokemon Volcanion

My Thoughts:
- A Fire/Water type pokemon,awesome
- Cannons,not bad
- Tiger based yea!

My Guesses:
-Would be found in one of the locked power plant doors
-Freaking Steam eruptions! (Signature move confirmed to be Steam Eruption)
-Would have an awesome battle theme (Hopes to be as epic as Giratina)

Design: 10/10 Good job Game Freak
Liking: 6/10 Too bulky
Awesomeness: 9/10 Again it should be slimmer to be awesome for me
Typing: 10/10 Fire/Water what do you want?
Moves: 5/10 Its not known much about the move set so yea,half points
Total:  80/100 or Not too shabby

that's all for today peoples and so I bid you goodbye

What PokeSpotlight should I do next time?
My Gaming and TCG Blog 


Top 8 weird pokefusions

Mother of mercy,this is a snake fish with beard,its hideous!

That's not cute at all ye know

Magnebat,a cyborg one-eyed bat


A lonely badass monstrosity,or a skull wearing gyarados,same result


The color suits perfectly,and it has horns too!

 a poisonous sickle-handed ravenous poisonous mass murderer of the ancient times

A horned mutation of Schyter,it can drill and slash trough victory

One word,pure weirdness #Derp

New blog and Happy New Year!

Hi guys,happy new year so,I do play a lot of card games and so I make a blog about it,its about Cardfight!! Vanguard,the upcoming Future Card Buddyfight,Pokemon (I dunno yet) and a few other card games other than magic the gathering,so tea Happy New Year from me and my trusty Yveltal