No.49 Lancia

Wow! Alim is really running out of good weapons for a chef, why not a giant knife? Why not a fork spear?
No.48 Knight Aem

Ok. Ok Alim, I love his sword but his hair? honestly I don't really mind it, he's a knight and I've seen some guys in my card store with hair as long as him so no comments on that. Besides, his 6* leader skill helped me a lot
No.47 Cait Sith

Cats with horns! *stab* *stab* *stab*
No.46 Light Emperor Nekky

The ever mysterious Nekky, there's an event going on so I caught him and dang he was bad. =(
No.45 Song-Reliant Demon God Eric

This demon god relies on songs?! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai
No.44 Massacre God Empress Fii

She looks like a freaking angel, she's the goddess of Massacre?! This is messed up ye know
No.43 Gorgon

This guy used to fly....
No.42 Royal Edge Darvanshiel

How does he hit his enemies with that sword?!
No.41 Legatus Melchio

Mwahahahahahahahaha!!!!! I dunno what's wrong with me
No.40 Annihilation Emperor Yeiga

So this and Comander Mega, I see no difference in design
No.39 Evil God Kaja

This demon looks epic as heck, but I keep failing everytime I rare summon <("-" )>
No.38 Black Lotus Lunaris

Badass design, check. demon in the background, check. giant spear, check!
No.37 Hail Gigatron Reeze

Everyone starts from melee weapons to lasers...
No.36 Blazing Mare
No.43 Gorgon

This guy used to fly....
No.42 Royal Edge Darvanshiel

How does he hit his enemies with that sword?!
No.41 Legatus Melchio

Mwahahahahahahahaha!!!!! I dunno what's wrong with me
No.40 Annihilation Emperor Yeiga

So this and Comander Mega, I see no difference in design
No.39 Evil God Kaja

This demon looks epic as heck, but I keep failing everytime I rare summon <("-" )>
No.38 Black Lotus Lunaris

Badass design, check. demon in the background, check. giant spear, check!
No.37 Hail Gigatron Reeze

Everyone starts from melee weapons to lasers...
No.36 Blazing Mare

Zebra's partnaaah
No.35 Impenetrable Darvan

Nice sword for an earth unit.
No.34 Mech God Grybe

Magitek armor in Brave Frontier?! Yay, I guess...
No.33 Brave Hero Alma

Master Sword good job Alma!
No.32 Goddess Tilith

My favorite brave frontier character as a mock unit, sees HR ='( I am a sad panda
No.31 Phantom Demon Commander Risutearu

Halberds, on an earth unit, is not that cool but I like da title for him
No.30 Miracle Onion

Yeap, onion
No.29 Ice Knight Sergio

No.28 Twin Arms Rickel

Laser gun cowgirls!
No.27 Dwarf Pince

For some reason, I call him Harold.
No.26 Ice Wizard Dean

Wizards FTW!
No.35 Impenetrable Darvan

Nice sword for an earth unit.
No.34 Mech God Grybe

Magitek armor in Brave Frontier?! Yay, I guess...
No.33 Brave Hero Alma

Master Sword good job Alma!
No.32 Goddess Tilith

My favorite brave frontier character as a mock unit, sees HR ='( I am a sad panda
No.31 Phantom Demon Commander Risutearu

Halberds, on an earth unit, is not that cool but I like da title for him
No.30 Miracle Onion

Yeap, onion
No.29 Ice Knight Sergio

No.28 Twin Arms Rickel

Laser gun cowgirls!
No.27 Dwarf Pince

For some reason, I call him Harold.
No.26 Ice Wizard Dean

Wizards FTW!