
Hiatus & plans

Heya guys, Toad1 here, sorry for the hiatus. School and my friends came in -.-" I'll still post this and I've been thinking about making a post about why I stopped Animal Jam. Anyway, this is a short post, I hope you could be patient for more dumb topics that I talk about. Anyway, guhd bye!

I'm still addicted to GDC (*-* )


Arcade Review: Animal Kaiser (AK EVO & GAK)

Animal Kaiser is one of my favorite games as a 7 year old, it was about animals fighting each other to death! (PETA, don't sue me) In the Animal Kaiser games, you need a red animal card, a green strong card and a blue miracle card each with different rarities. Kaiser Rare, Ultra Rare, Gold Rare, Silver Rare, Bronze Rare and Normal Rare

Animal Card: This determines the animal you use

Strong Card: Power up card

Miracle Card: Ultimate Attack

This, I need to give 7/10 because the theme keeps getting more weird every version, starting from normal, to knights, to robot animals, to ninja animals and finally extraterrestrial animals -.-"

Great Animal Kaiser is taking animal kaisers formula but this time *drum roll* you use 2 animals.....

The themes are worse!
Version 1 = Normal Animal
Version 2 = Demon Animals
Version 3 = Samurai Animals
Version 4 = Super Powered Animals
Greater GAK1 = Mecha Suit Animals
Greater GAK2 = Blue Whales, Sperm Whales, Humpback Whales, a puffer fish and a Piranha
Greater GAK3 = Evil Animals
Greater GAK4 = Wrestler Animals
Greater GAK5 = Ninja Animals again.... -.-"
Big GAK1 = Prisoner Animals
Big GAK2 = Space Pirate Dinosaurs vs. Cyborg Lion & Random Bulldog
Big GAK3 = Robotic Space Pirate Dinosaurs vs. Rocket Cyborg Lion

Final Score for GAK? -9999/10


Game Review: Love Live! School Idol Festval (Android/iOS)

 The cards are really neat, the soundtrack is excellent and the card arts are just pure nosebleed \(*-* )
Everything about this game is a little too girly for me but the art is just so
http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140717132028/love-live/images/2/25/SR_136_Transformed_Hanayo_Event.jpg http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140717132027/love-live/images/5/56/SR_133_Transformed_Hanayo_August_Ver..jpg  http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140717102713/love-live/images/f/fc/SR_93_Transformed_Rin_Animal_Ver..jpghttp://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140717102717/love-live/images/3/3d/SR_100_Transformed_Nico_Job_Ver..png 
http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140717101432/love-live/images/5/59/SR_81_Transformed_Umi_Event.jpg http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140717102716/love-live/images/7/73/SR_107_Honoka_Event.png
Even the skill names are pure fanservice, here's one 

 Breast Rub
Every 15 seconds, there is a 39% chance of turning all goods and greats in the next 4 seconds into perfects. (Level 1) 

I don't need to rate this.... 10/10. Ten points to muse!