
Top 5 Deadliest Pokemons

Hi guys,today i bring you the top 20 deadliest Pokemons,you've been warned that this is an opininon list and I also wish you happy holidays and a very happy new year

 #319 Sharpedo

I'd say this pokemon is deadly because other than it's nickname 'bully of the seas' it's body is streamlined made for quick speed and its ability might also indicate it has a rough skin,this pokemon is also based of a shark which is already pretty dangerous.

# 717 Yveltal
This pokemon is already called the death pokemon in the japanese versions,due to the censorship the International versions of Pokemon x and y it's called the destruction pokemon,this pokemon literally sucks the life out of people and all the other living things around it,the pokemon then turns into a cocoon and it waits its rebirth.

 #009M Mega Blastoise
87,000 psi of water not enough to shoot 3 steel walls,the Mega Blastoise can help,for me i think this thing shoots 100 00 psi of water per cannons,so steel can hold up to 30 000 psi so that would make Mega Blastoise able to shoot 10 solid steel walls plus killing you but amazingly not pokemons,so what we found out today that pokemon is stronger than steel,maybe

#523 Zebstrika
Its a zebra with electricity charged to it's body so you guys must've get the point of this entry

#680 Doublade
This pokemon is two sword possesed by an evil spirit,this thing can hack,slash,stab and kill people in a few minutes,but i still love it no matter how murderous it can be